Composite Automation, LLC

Innovative Composites Manufacturing Solutions

About Us

Traditional Manufacturer’s Representative firms in the industrial market focus on selling commodities either directly or through distributors. Manufacturers of higher value capital equipment typically hire direct sales representatives absorbing the high cost of salary and benefits until the sales representative can increase sales enough to support their fixed cost and then increase sales even more to produce a profit for the company.  It is an ROI model that is difficult to justify in today’s business climate and many small to medium size capital equipment manufacturer’s do without a professional sales and marketing person. Often, it is the owner of the firm that performs those activities to the detriment of other more important strategic business activities.

Composite Automation, LLC provides the sales and marketing activities to companies that are in the composites market with high value solutions in the North American composites market that is comprised of aerospace, defense, automotive, wind, etc.   When I launched Composite Automation, LLC.  I carefully selected partners and associates based on their ability to deliver unique and innovative solutions to composites manufacturing applications. Finally, we all share a passion for outstanding customer service with the intent of developing long standing relationships.

John Melilli

John Melilli

President - President/CEO Eastern US

Over 30 years of experience in the application of mechanical, electrical and industrial automation components and systems for manufacturing. My career has brought me through the full gamut of manufacturing incuding  food, pharma, discreet, process, batch, etc. The composites industry has many of the same challenges. All manufacturing shares the same goal which is to increase throughput, reduce waste, maximize quality while keeping a sharp eye on cost.

I have been working with composite part manufacturer’s since 2004 being mindful of these goals and know that to be successful, I must help customers achieve them as well. My technical experience includes not just an understanding of the systems that Composite Automation represents but more importantly the common composites manufacturing issues prevalent in the industry.

My hobbies include adoring my grandchildren, golf, fishing, skiing, and zydeco dancing with my lovely wife.

Check my calendar and request a meeting.

  Edward Sepulveda

Edward Sepulveda

Director - Business Development - Western US; Mexico

Edward lives in sunny southern California.  He has over 20 years of Advanced Material Product Development – Composites Engineering & Executive Lean Operations Managment experience.  He has implemented innovative  solutions (Processes and Equipment) in Aerospace, Military & Defense, Automotive, Medical and even Infrastructure.  He has deep knowledge in the application of filament winders.  His unique lean methodology has created manufacturing facilities that earned accolades and distinctions such as “State of the Art” and “Next Generation Manufacturing”.  Edward has a passion for new product development and is ready to bring these skills to your application.


Gaylon Gregory

Gaylon Gregory

Sales Engineer - Southeast USA

Gaylon has over 35 years of experience in manufacturing and applying unique solutions for his customers.  He has a thorough understanding of CNC machines, composites manufacturing methods, and other manufacturing systems. He started his career as a machinist which gives him a factory floor understanding of being “in the trenches”.  He has also been a business owner and built boats.  He has been involved in projects that spanned the automotive, space, aerospace, marine, heavy industry and and industrial automation.  He’ll be covering much of the Southeast US from his location in Atlanta, GA.  Please reach out to him with your applications.

Christian Lopez Monjaras

Christian Lopez Monjaras

Director of Sales - Canada

Located in the heart of the composites manufacturing corridor of Queretaro, Christian is an experienced Aeronautic Engineer with more than 15 years of experience on composites.  He has worked on well known projects such as the Learjet 85, LEAP 1B Fanblade and developing the process and the startup of operations of multiple companies in composites manfacturing for over 20 years. His extensive experience in composites manufacturing will be invaluable in refining your manufacturing challenges and improving your ROI.