Cevotec’s SAMBA Fiber Patch Placement production system changes the paradigm for manufacturing composite parts. The industry universally agrees that current manufacturing technologies can not meet the demand for aerospace quality parts at production rates and costs that are needed to meet the anticipated demand. The desire for consistent quality, increased material yield, even lighter parts and the ability to support either dryfiber or prepreg has long eluded industry part manufacturers. Cevotec’s Fiber Patch Placement technology combines the software to optimize the positioning of the patches to achieve the needed load properties and then translates that into the motion control to manipulate robots to automate the positioning of the patches.
Cevotec enables manufacturers to build complex fiber composites in high volume and quality – by smart process automation based on Fiber Patch Placement technology. With SAMBA Series, Cevotec offers tailored, automated fiber layup systems for challenging 3D geometries and laminates with complex fiber orientation. ARTIST STUDIO is the associated CAE software for generating patch based fiber laminates and automated robot programming. Along with development services that include FE-based modeling and simulation, Cevotec offers the entire process chain from digital design to final fiber product.
Cevotec’s systems use either prepreg or dry tackified tape to produce patches up to A4 size (8”x11”) that are then precisely placed by robots and special grippers. Cevotec’s system produces a net shaped part ready for curing in an autoclave or using RTM. Systems can be as simple as a single pick and place head and as complex as a multi robotic line for high speed serial production. There’s nothing like it in the market. Scan through the pictures below and then contact us so that we can help you leap frog your competitors in the manufacture of your composite parts.

Fiber Patch Placement (FPP) technology has the potential to manufacture quality, complex 3D parts that cannot be made through conventional methods. The demonstration component to the right is one such part with hemispherical/conical sections and a quasi-layup [45,0,-45,90]2S on a 360° layup surface. This geometry is relatively common in aerospace and since Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) has difficulty laying up the complex contours, the NIAR ATLAS team chose this tool to develop an optimization process for FPP parts that could be utilized to optimize future FPP parts of various complex geometries. Cevotec and Composite Automation has partnered with the National Institute on Aviation Research to provide a place where you can perform product development using this technology. Contact us to see how Cevotec’s Fiber Patch Placement technology can revolutionize your composites manufacturing operations.